poetry, prose, and other strings of words · 1993 - 2003
Star of Hope
Number 71
January 7, 1995
Upon a time,
not long ago,
Did I ask of you a question
Of assurance of what I
already did know.
Upon a time,
Forgetful of fears but those human,
Enwrapped in the shrouds of myself
and the universe temporal,
A light,
falling blue
Upon the face of countenance,
Missed it did I only in a sense,
For description, and words,
Though lacking much,
Convey so much more when
Those communicating are so close,
so near.
And I learned of this light,
This beacon from a far off land.
And then a thud,
Heart murmuring and mysterious,
A sound as of a lock clicking
yet amplyfying;
And then again a silence of our
As I think euphorically;
Seven fields,
Seven candlesticks,
Seven messengers,
Seven angels.
And again does it sound!
Startling and numbing
Wood on wood goes the thump of some wayward rat
(Doing what I do not know).
The shooting star,
A light brief and shining,
To be remembered always
by those who have seen
And can show to others.
A lock shuts out the world behind,
Forcing me to observe what
Is ahead and beyond that
Beyond that lies the wood of the rat,
Who bumps into and strives
To overthrow that
which stands above,
Never suceeding, for
One exists infinetely.
I asked of you a question,
And an answer have you given me,
Reassurance and belief.