poetry, prose, and other strings of words · 1993 - 2003
On Perfection
October, 1994
Perfection… a noble aim but one impossible to reach and possibly corrupting in the process. The search for true perfection is idiocy. If need be strive for excellence, but realize that man does have flaws and no one can scale the mountains imposed by them.
Hypocrisy is a disgusting outburst of humanity and its presence can be found throughout the system. Man is constantly talking through one side and acting through the other. Hypocrisy is one of the chief signs of mankind and is displeasing everywhere you find it. It is unavoidable though because of our imperfections. I cannot claim to be free from hypocrisy, I can only claim to realize this fact. I get upset at myself when I feel I have performed a hypocritical act. Despite the often-felt urge to take the easy or more rewarding way out, we must stay true to ourselves and what we believe in.
If there is one thing that upsets me more than the fetid stench of hypocrisy, it is the lack of self-evaluation of morals. Throughout society can be found pressures that tend to impose particular morals upon people, i.e. the Christian Church. There is nothing wrong with the morals of the Christian Church per se, and nothing wrong with this body trying to impress upon you the need to follow by this code. Many other examples could be cited, some as good, and some that aren't so good. What is wrong is that, from a young age, these ideas are pounded into us by society, and many of us never stop to think about the values we are upholding. The most common example can be found with this question: "Do you identify with either the Republican or Democratic Parties?" When asked why they answer the way they do, they say, "Because my parents are…" They usually cannot say which sides of individualized issues they personally take or which side the poetry they claim to support takes. If they have an answer on which side, chances are they no logical reasoning behind it, just the impressions gathered from family, peers, and the media. The self-evaluation preached by Socrates is by far gone though there are still many individuals who do come to their own conclusions. These people should be commended.