SAF(NET) = STEPHEN A. FUQUA operating on the Web since 1995

Stephen is a web developer, Bahá'í, and interfaith activist in St. Paul, Minnesota. He likes to write about religion, social justice, sustainability, science, programming, &c.

poetry, prose, and other strings of words · 1993 - 2003

From Stillness Into Strife

Number 163

December 29, 2002

An eldritch wind of the oldest
Forests caressingly carries me
     Into the night;
This street is not haunted, but—
     Out of place, out of time;
Whose ridge was this once?
What warrior, what farmer—
     What lover—
Once carried forth, here?
What human has tread where I tread?
What human has breathed what I breath?

Beneath the vaulted heavens white eagles
Swiftly pass, piercing

Without eyes,
Without talons.

Whose tree draped in lights,
Whose grass, verdant still, blades firm
     And untouched?
Though young, said tree has been
Waving an eternity, waving,
     Waving, waving
As the sea once over this land did wave.

Memory's swollen gut feeds like
A dark spider,
From hilltop to hilltop.

Great lights, no phantoms here, auroras
Play out across the south,
In a land forgotten.

Lover, farmer, warrior—left behind,
Ranger's work on a red night,
Leaving me, standing—
     Alone but for the cars purring
Along the highway—
In a land delivered from stillness
Into strife.




Other sites managed or developed by S.A.F.

S.A.F. elsewhere on the web

  • LinkedIn
    LinkedIn can actually be useful when looking for prospective hires and business or organizational partners
  • GoodReads
    A fun and relatively-unknown social networking site geared towards one's book list
  • Live Journal
    Mirror of the blog at, so that a few LJ friends can more easily read and comment there