poetry, prose, and other strings of words · 1993 - 2003
Into the Void
Number 153
February 20, 2001
Can a man go it forever on patience? I think so.
But the line between patience and folly is… cerebral at best.
I think there's a poem buried in here somewhere.
The Zen of nothingness and the absurdity of insignificance too meet at some grey juncture.
Sparse, random synapses punctuate the present, moment to moment. Changing. Returning. Attracting, collapsing in on some strange dynamic.
Do I pursue out love, or out of loneliness?
Is suffering from patience or stupidity? Tell me, where the root cause?
Impassioned—an attainable state, but meaningless in forlorness without action without words without vitality.
Not melodrama, just truth.
Not truth, but true reflections of the storm.
(don't ask there is no answer.)
just give up. just give up. just give up.
Not my words, not my scream. Society's frozen words buried 2 miles deep in my being.
Biopsy? No—too easy, must reconcile, build up a wall around the infection. No—easier still. Easy = not success.
Love, love, love, wither this sordid thing that my soul may have room to grow.