Positive spiritual, religious, and interfaith news for the international community
Baha'i Faith
Native American

Telling the Interfaith Story Online

Editorial and introduction to the November/December 2003 e-zine for InterfaithNews.Net.

By the InterfaithNews Editorial Team

When Joel Beversluis “rolled out” InterfaithNews.net fourteen months ago, no one imagined we might lose him to leukemia half a year later. Joel, a pioneer in the interfaith vineyard, dreamed about this virtual publication for far too long and the idea is far too important to drop.

Stephen Fuqua, InterfaithNews’ publisher, has assembled an editorial team, inviting Sharon Abercrombie and Paul Chaffee to join him in putting issues together every other month. Others who care about grassroots interfaith relationships will be added. We welcome and solicit your stories and articles, and we’re going to ask the major interfaith organizations for periodic news updates. News about the July 7-14 Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona will receive attention in each issue from now till then.

We hope to keep the bias that Joel wrote about a little over a year ago: “Our focus is on the positive—news and ideas that promote understanding, cooperation and wisdom among religious, spiritual and interfaith communities. We’ll gather information that serves these purposes, and, in a periodic turn-about, offer it to a wider audience.”

In particular we hope to share a few of the thousands of moving interfaith stories people are writing with their lives all over the world. We want to report the connections, collaborations, bridge-building, and achievements of people of faith and practice from all religious, spiritual traditions.

Please use these stories in your own local interfaith publications – just give a credit to InterfaithNews.net when you do. Thank you for being part of the loop!

- InterfaithNews Editorial Team

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