Positive spiritual, religious, and interfaith news for the international community

Multifaith Cooperation in Pakistan

By Correspondence from Atif Jamil Pagaan, of the Human Development Centre

Dear Joel,

We have continued our efforts to promote and sustain Peace and InterFaith Harmony at the grass roots level. We are going to have a National Level Peace and Inter Faith Harmony Conference on Sept. 14-15. The idea is to collate the grass roots issues of peace and interfaith harmony with the national and international issues and also to highlight the concerns raised by the people at the grass roots level. We are working for last sixteen years with the people of Islam and Christian religions and want to present their voices to the wider audience.

This conference will also enable us to devise a Future Plan of Action for next five years. HDC just finished its Strategic Planning and want to discuss it with the Local Peace Committees and Women Peace Groups (which comprise of Muslim and Christian people). Hope that this conference will be a mile stone in our work to promote and sustain Peace and Interfaith Harmony in this violence- striken area.

Please give your suggestions for the success of this conference. Peace,

Atif Jamil Pagaan, Deputy Director
Human Development Centre
Waryam Road
Toba Tek Singh 36050, Pakistan
Tel: 92-462-512471 / email:

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